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Ret Rf mashinasi

Ret Rf mashinasi

Ret Rf mashinasi

448 kHz Indeeplus go'zallik mashinasi448 kHz Indeeplus go'zallik mashinasi

448 kHz Indeeplus go'zallik mashinasi


Chastotasi: 448 KHZ

Davolash usullari: Vaccm bilan CAP y RES

Chiqish quvvati: 300 Vt

Monopolar sig'imli elektrod: ph40,50, 60, 70mm

Monopolar rezistiv elektrod: ph30, 50, 70, 80 mm

Kuchlanish: 220V 50HZ yoki 110V 60HZ

Mashina o'lchamlari: 320 * 370 * 820 mm

batafsil ko'rish
Beauty Indeeplus 448khz mashinasiBeauty Indeeplus 448khz mashinasi

Beauty Indeeplus 448khz mashinasi


Chastotasi: 448 KHZ

Davolash usullari: Vaccm bilan CAP y RES

Chiqish quvvati: 300 Vt

Monopolar sig'imli elektrod: ph40,50, 60, 70mm

Monopolar rezistiv elektrod: ph30, 50, 70, 80 mm

Kuchlanish: 220V 50HZ yoki 110V 60HZ

Mashina o'lchamlari: 320 * 370 * 820 mm

batafsil ko'rish
Mahsulot toifalari

Issiq mahsulot bo'yicha tavsiyalar

SANO go'zallik lazer mashinasining sabablari

Contact sano laser beauty

Sano laser is committed to the research and innovation of medical beauty technology, providing customers with professional beauty equipment and related technical service in the fields of skin management.

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Beauty Indeeplus 448kHz mashinasining asosiy afzalliklari

Beauty Indeeplus 448kHz mashinasining asosiy amaliy afzalliklari

Sano Laser Beauty kompaniyasi bilan bog'laning

Sano lazer tibbiy go'zallik texnologiyasini tadqiq qilish va innovatsiyalarga sodiqdir, mijozlarga professional go'zallik uskunalari va terini boshqarish sohalarida tegishli texnik xizmat ko'rsatadi.

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