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DPL tshuab

DPL tshuab

Tshiab tiam German DPL tec ...Tshiab tiam German DPL tec ...

Tshiab tiam German DPL tec ...

2021-11-03 Peb
Kev ua hauj lwm hauv paus ntsiab lus DPL lub cim nqaim-band teeb ntawm 550-650nm tuaj yeem tsim cov teebmeem photothermal thiab photochemical tib lub sijhawm. Cov nyhuv photothermal ua rau ib feem ntawm lub dermis mus rau hnub nyoog thiab kub coagulation ntawm naive collagen, thiaj li hais tias cov kev ua ntawm fibroblasts txhawb lub regeneration ntawm subcutaneous collagen. Photochemical kev txiav txim rearranges sib sib zog nqus collagen fibers thiab elastic fibers, restores ntawm daim tawv nqaij elasticity, thiab nyob rau tib lub sij hawm txhim khu kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov hlab ntsha cov ntaub so ntswg, txhim kho cov metabolism hauv daim tawv nqaij, ua rau daim tawv nqaij moist, ilv thiab elastic, thiab ua tiav cov nyhuv ntawm daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation. Kev tshem tawm Freckle: freckles, pom hnub nyoog me ntsis, thiab lwm yam DPL meej daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation: whitening thiab rejuvenating daim tawv nqaij, zawm pores, txhim kho daim tawv nqaij kev ntxhib los mos, thiab txhim kho daim tawv nqaij elasticity Pob txuv: txhim kho pob txuv, txhim kho hauv zos o thiab liab liab streaks: ntshav liab streaks tshwm sim los ntawm lub ntsej muag flushing thiab capillary dilation Cov plaub hau tshem tawm: suav nrog rau pem hauv ntej thiab nraub qaum plaub hau, ntsej muag, di ncauj plaub hau, caj dab, caj npab, tes, lub cev, bikini, ceg, taw Qhov zoo 1. Narrowband 100nm precision pulsed light technology: sai thiab zoo daws teeb meem ntawm lub ntsej muag freckles thiab telangiectasia (lub ntsej muag liab). 2. Lub teb chaws Yelemees Heraeus import xenon teeb: xenon teeb yog lub hauv paus ntawm lub tshuab. Nws txais yuav German thawj coj xenon teeb, muaj ntau lub ntiaj teb patented technologies, thiab emits teeb 1 lab lub sij hawm. 3. OPT fais fab mov: lub zog sib xws thiab ruaj khov, uas tsis tsuas yog txhim kho kev nplij siab ntawm kev kho mob, tab sis kuj tswj lub zog siab. 4. Tsib yam khoom siv tes ua rau cov kab mob sib txawv: tsib leeg rau koj xaiv, HR, SR, PR, VR, AR. 5. Kev siv tshuab zawv zawg: qhov siab tshaj plaws yog 10hz nyob rau hauv hom ceev, uas ua rau lub sijhawm ua haujlwm thiab ua kom lub sijhawm kho. Nws pib txheeb xyuas 5 tes rau koj xaiv VR (500nm-600nm): Tshem tawm cov hlab ntsha thiab txhim kho lub ntsej muag liab PR (550-650nm): Tshem tawm cov tawv nqaij, tshav kub kub, hnub nyoog me ntsis, pob txuv caws pliav thiab lub ntsej muag tsis xws luag thiab lwm yam AR (420-520nm): lmprove pob txuv, tshem tawm pob txuv caws pliav SR (560-950nm): Pore Remover, tawv nqaij dawb, tawv nqaij nruj, tiv thaiv puffi-ness, tsaus voj voog thiab lwm yam HR (650nm-950nm): Kev tshem tawm tas mus li thiab tsis mob. Tshem tawm cov plaub hau tsis xav tau ntawm tag nrho lub cev DPL tshuab Specifications: WaveLength PR: 550-650nmVR: 500-600nm Yeem: (HR: 650-950nmSR: 560-950nmAR420-520nm) Fluence 10-50J/cm Frequency 1-10HZ RFpower 1-30W InputPower 4000W PowerSource PureSapphire Teeb GermanImportedlamp SpotSize 10 * 40mmfor (SR, VR, AR, PR) 15 * 50mmforHR Contactcoolingtemperature Max-10 ℃ CoolingSystem Builtincooling truecolortouchscreencontrol pob khoom loj 82 * 59 * 122cm Qhov hnyav 99kg Exhibition Peb tau muag ntau yam khoom rau thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb. Peb lub tuam txhab koom nrog ntau qhov kev nthuav qhia txhua xyoo, xws li Ltalis, Dubai, Spain, Malaysia, Nyab Laj, Is Nrias teb, Qaib ntxhw thiab Romania. Muaj qee cov duab hauv qab no: Pob thiab xa khoom Peb ntim lub tshuab rau hauv cov qauv hlau xa tawm, thiab peb siv DHL, FedEx lossis TNT xa lub tshuab rau koj los ntawm qhov rooj rau qhov rooj.
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2021-11-03 Peb
Kev Kho Mob: Lub tshuab siv DPL (Dye Pulsed Light) precision tawv rejuvenation thev naus laus zis uas yog nqaim-spectrum duab daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation (DPL), nws hais txog kev kho qhov muag ntawm daim tawv nqaij tshiab thev naus laus zis, txawv ntawm cov cuab yeej siv niaj hnub (xws li IPL), Tus tshiab thev naus laus zis tuaj yeem txhawb nqa 100nm nqaim-spectrum pulsed lub teeb uas tseem muaj qhov nqus peaks ntawm melanin thiab oxygen thiab hemoglobin, tso cai rau qhov tseeb ntawm kev kho lub zog, yog li sai thiab muaj txiaj ntsig daws cov teeb meem ntawm lub ntsej muag thiab telangiectasia (lub ntsej muag liab). Nqaim-spectrum 100nm ilv pulse light technology: DPL ilv daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation technology, xaiv 500-600nm thiab 550-650nm npog lub ncov nqus ntawm cov xim thiab oxygenated hemoglobin nyob rau hauv daim tawv nqaij, uas yog xaiv ntau tshaj li ib txwm IPL, thiab kev kho mob yuav ua tau. Cov txiaj ntsig zoo dua thiab txo lub sijhawm kho; Wavelength 500-600nm: daws qhov teeb meem ntawm vascular laus thiab rejuvenate lub teeb ntawm daim tawv nqaij. Qhov zoo ntawm SPECTRUM DPL: 1. Nqaim-spectrum 100nm ilv pulse light technology. Sai sai thiab ua tau zoo daws cov freckles ntawm lub ntsej muag thiab telangiectasia (dawb ntsej muag) teeb meem. 2. Core of Light Imported los ntawm lub teb chaws Yelemees. Xenon teeb yog lub hauv paus ntawm lub zog. Lub teeb tau txais German thawj im-ported xenon teeb uas tau txais ntau patented technologies nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ntiaj teb no, thiab qhov tsawg kawg nkaus lub teeb emission yog 1,000,000 zaug. 3. OPT fais fab mov. lub zog yog uniform thiab ruaj khov, uas tsis tsuas yog txhim kho kev nplij siab kev kho mob, tab sis kuj tswj lub siab zog. 4.Multiple wavelengths muaj rau siv rau txhua daim tawv nqaij. Tsib leeg rau koj xaiv, HR, SR, PR, VR, AR. 5. Kev siv thev naus laus zis. Fast hom nrog 10hz siab zaus, uas ua rau lub sijhawm ua haujlwm thiab txo lub sijhawm kho. DPL tshuab Specifications: WaveLength PR: 550-650nmVR: 500-600nm Yeem: (HR: 650-950nmSR: 560-950nmAR420-520nm) Fluence 10-50J / cm2SHR: 1-10Jow RF 10-2 Frequency 4000W PowerSource PureSapphire Lub Teeb GermanImportedlamp SpotSize 10 * 40mmfor (SR, VR, AR, PR) 15 * 50mmforHR Contactcoolingtemperature Max-10 ℃ CoolingSystem Builtinwatercooling+semiconductorcooling+aircooling 2.5 x 2.9 x 2.5 nti cm Nyhav 99kg Exhibition Peb tau muag ntau heev cov khoom rau thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb no. Peb lub tuam txhab koom nrog ntau qhov kev nthuav qhia txhua xyoo, xws li Ltalis, Dubai, Spain, Malaysia, Nyab Laj, Is Nrias teb, Qaib ntxhw thiab Romania. Muaj qee cov duab hauv qab no: Pob thiab xa khoom Peb ntim lub tshuab rau hauv cov qauv hlau xa tawm, thiab peb siv DHL, FedEx lossis TNT xa lub tshuab rau koj los ntawm qhov rooj rau qhov rooj.
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DPL OPT IPL plaub hau tshem tawm Wrin ...DPL OPT IPL plaub hau tshem tawm Wrin ...

DPL OPT IPL plaub hau tshem tawm Wrin ...

2021-08-31 IB
Kev thov: Cov plaub hau tshem tawm Daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation tawv nqaij nruj Tshem tawm pob txuv Pigment tshem tawm Vascular lesion 
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DPL tshuab rau cov leeg tshem tawm ...DPL tshuab rau cov leeg tshem tawm ...

DPL tshuab rau cov leeg tshem tawm ...

2021-08-31 IB
Kev thov: Cov plaub hau tshem tawm Daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation tawv nqaij nruj Tshem tawm pob txuv Pigment tshem tawm Vascular lesion 
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DPL tshuabDPL tshuab

DPL tshuab

2021-08-02 IB
Kev thov: Cov plaub hau tshem tawm Daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation tawv nqaij nruj Tshem tawm pob txuv Pigment tshem tawm Vascular lesion   
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Sano laser is committed to the research and innovation of medical beauty technology, providing customers with professional beauty equipment and related technical service in the fields of skin management.

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Qhov zoo thiab cov qauv ntawm DPL

Daim Ntawv Thov DPL yog dab tsi?

Hu rau Sano Laser Beauty Company

Sano laser tau cog lus rau kev tshawb fawb thiab kev tsim kho tshiab ntawm kev kho mob zoo nkauj technology, muab cov neeg siv khoom nrog cov cuab yeej zoo nkauj thiab cov kev pabcuam cuam tshuam hauv kev tswj xyuas tawv nqaij.

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